Thursday, July 06, 2006

Kitty Kitty Survives Wood Chipper Trip

A few long time (if you consider back to March a long time-ed) CTCN readers might remember a post celebrating National Clean Your Home Office Day. Okay, I'll admit the joke about Kitty Kitty may have offended a few feline fans, but understand that my humor writing skills are juvenile and somewhat neanderthal by nature. In fact, I felt slight pangs of kitty kitty guilt and fed a neighborhood cat, the same cat featured in Answer Your Cat's Question Day, several slices of cold pepperoni.

Which leads me to this story; an amazing tale of kitty kitty survival. Apparently, a South Florida kitten fell asleep in a wood chipper and when the work crew fired up the chipper...well, you can probably figure out the rest. The kitten survived his trip through the chipper although he emerged with broken bones and a chunk cut off his head. Now, the kitten's a survivor and a celebrity to puss-n-boot. He'll be up for adoption soon and I suspect Angelina Jolie will be first in line. Nothing beats a heartwarming tale on a Thursday afternoon.

By the way, they re-named the kitten Chipper. They should have considered Flat Top.


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