Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bush Destroying the Constitution Says A.B.A.

President Bush's penchant for writing exceptions to laws he has just signed violates the Constitution, an American Bar Association task force says in a report highly critical of the practice.

You've got to love this story. Our elected representatives (mostly lawyers) in Washington are up in arms, and rightly so, with Bush's brazen disregard of our Constitution. They're concerned because Bush has upset the balance of power making Congress and it's laws a joke.

Of course, Congress has been passing laws and exempting themselves for years.

Where was the concern about the Constitution when Congress rubber stamped the Patriot Act? Our (the electorate), Constitutional rights have been shredded in the name of fighting terrorism. Where was the ABA then? These guys holler only when their their power and rights are affected.

read more | digg story


Anonymous said...

But this is war-time, man! Do you want to send the wrong message to the troops? Your opinion doesn't represent the majority of the country. Let's see, what other catch phrase can I remember?

Anonymous said...

First of all for the record, Bush is not the first or the last President to use signing. Now onto the more complex issue, the Constitution. It was being destroyed before the signatories left the room. Lawyers have twisted and contorted the framers intentions for two hundred years to the point that we really don't have a constitution. I am pretty sure the framers would say hang a mother who confesses to drowning her children. Crazy or not. And what if one had proposed to the framers that some day a stealthy group would hijack jet airliners and kill thousands of Americans. They probably would have hung that person for being crazy. I am fairly certain that had you asked them if it would be okay to review international phone traffic (again they would have thought you crazy) in order to stop an unidentified enemy from coming here and blowing up thousands of people, you would have received a resounding "Hell Yeh".

Randy M. Combs said...

No, Bush is not the first or last...but that makes it okay? That sounds like the schoolyard argument "I did it because he did it first".

What has blowing up thousands of people have to do with Bush's consolidation of power? It's okay to allow a president to become a despot? I think not.

The points you make are ludicrous. It's the old "if my aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle."

How can you even begin to guess what the framers of the Constitution would think, do, or say? How can you place modern technology into a time period where the people would have no understanding of what you're talking about? In fact, even in this time period, you make no sense.

Randy M. Combs said...

The only message we should send to the troops is "come home".

Anonymous said...

The framers of the Constitution were smart enough to draft a document that would stand the test of time and remain valid long after idiotic ideas that might have prevailed in the 17th century
had withered in the light of reason.

Anonymous said...

You young folks don't seem to get it - legal safeguards are in place because the government has proven time and again that they CAN'T BE TRUSTED. Some people would make a deal with the Devil if there was money in it. Other people mean NOTHING to such individuals. Wake up and smell the cappucino.

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