Saturday, April 15, 2006

Titanic Heads For Port

Giantess That Hit Iceberg Under Own Steam--Passengers Safe.

Here's the story which greeted Coshocton Daily Age readers on April 15, 1912. I'm assuming the story came from a wire service:

"Once more the flash of the wireless "S.O.S" has averted a great sea tragedy. The Cunard lined Carpathia, called by an aerial flash asking for aid, rushed to the assistance of the giant liner Titanic in the darkness off New Foundland today and took on board 1,300 passengers.

With a huge hole punched in her side by a collision with an iceberg, the White Star Liner Titanic is limping toward Halifax today in a sinking condition. All the passengers were taken off the liner in the life boats early today and wireless dispatches state that the giantess will probably be able to make port under her own steam despite her extensive damage. Her plates were shattered in the crash, her bow crumpled and a big hole rammed beneath the water line.

The air tight compartments and the powerful high pressure pumps on the liner prevented her entire hull from filling and enabled her to keep afloat despite the fact that she listed dangerously. "
Originally, when reading this story, my first thoughts were that the story was indicative of news slow arrival due to the time period. But in hindsight, the story seems to be a fabrication. When rescue ships arrived, the Titanic had disappeared to the ocean's floor. How would rescuers, who had reported the disaster via wireless, mistake that the ship was crippled and headed to port? Obviously, they didn't, and facts were re-written once received on shore. Who was attempting to protect the Titanic's invincibility: the ship line or the press?

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