Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Coshocton Beginnings Of A Journalism Powerhouse

Dec. 22, 1852--To my Debtor Friends...I hope my old patrons will promptly settle when he (Henry Barton) calls upon them, as the accounts are too much scattered and too small to afford a re-visit by my agent, and must be left with the proper officers for collection, if not paid when they are presented by Mr. Barton. J. Medill

The above note, written by Joseph Medill, former owner and founder of the Coshocton Republican, brought to close the Coshocton beginnings of Medill's rise to journalistic fame.

Medill bought the Coshocton Whig, changed the name to the Republican, and established the paper as a fiery anti-slavery publication. He sold the Republican two years later and headed for bigger waters by purchasing a Cleveland newspaper.

Medill, a founding member of the Republican party, has also been credited with giving the party it's name. Medill maintained a close friendship with Abraham Lincoln.

Eventually, Medill bought into and became editor of the prestigious Chicago Tribune and ended up as mayor of Chicago, having run on the Union Fire Proof ticket.

Who would of thought that a giant of journalism started right here in Coshocton?

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