Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Festival of Smoke and Mirrors, Part IV

My final entry for the Festival of Smoke and Mirrors.

You may think me bitter and cynical, but you'll find I'm an equal opportunity cynicist. It doesn't really matter who occupies the Whitehouse, I'll dislike their bob and weave. I'll roll my eyes every time their locution obfuscates truth, justice and the American way.

PT Barnum sums up the Festival of Smoke and Mirrors best, "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people."


  1. Anonymous5:55 PM

    i always thought H.L.Mencken said that. so i was wrong the whole time...

  2. Who knows? I've seen it attributed to both Barnum and Mencken, multiple times, and I've seen variations of the Mencken quote. Maybe it was Phineus T. Mencken or H.L. Barnum who said it. In the interest of accuracy, I'll flip a coin.

  3. Anonymous11:05 PM

    whoever said it, they were pretty close to the mark. You can usually bet on Americans to vote for their short-term gain over their long-term benefit.
